Owen is growing too fast. I feel like I blinked and he was all of a sudden 6 months. Phil and I say all the time that this kid came with quite the personality. He is very particular about his schedule, his bottles temperature has to be perfect or he acts like he is gagging, he is very sensitive to loud and abrupt noises, and since he was like 4 months old he has been an extreme Mommy's boy. Of course he needed me before because I was nursing but it is more than that. He scans the room over and over looking for me and gets very mad if I walk past him without acknowledging him or picking him up (even if he is already being held by someone else). This has become a problem at the gym and the last 3 times I have gone they have called me because he will not stop crying. As soon as the hand him to me he acts like nothing ever happened, stinker.
Owen's Stats at 6 Months:
15lb 3.6 oz (19%)
25.5" (17%)
Head (70%-huge)
Also, for the sake of documenting he was 11 lbs 10 oz at 4 months and 24.75". yes he barely grew in length. Luckily he has grown a few inches I'm sure because I just had to raise the jumper up.
He had a blow out after the cart picture was taken and we bought this shirt. I probably would never had bought it otherwise...
He loves this giraffe Ashley gave him
This is his "Mom look what I did face"
Trying to get a picture of his tooth. It is there but hard to see.
Some other things Owen is doing:
*Rolls with ease both directions but doesn't do it often
*Is a pretty stronger sitter but I still prop the boppy behind him
*Loves playing at his little workbench and knows how to pull/push everything on it
*Is obsessed with cups, especially ones with lids and straws. He whips his whole body around trying to get our cups.
*Loves watching Wes play and wants to join in so bad
*Enjoys playing with his feet and pulling his socks off
*Loves being outside
*Has one tooth with another trying to pop out
*Is in love with his muslin blankets
*Is still trying to get used to eating pureed food. He has tried pears, sweet potatoes, prunes, and butternut squash. So far sweet potatoes with a little cinnamon is his favorite.
*Is so smiley and has the sweetest laugh
*Loves bath time and needs it in order to wind down for bed
*Sleep 10-11 hrs a night (with exception to the past two nights, dang teeth)